fredag 13 februari 2015

Top 10 ways to get rich

1. Recycling cans and bottles

Anyone can do it. It is literally like finding money on the street. Klondike 2.0.

2. Bank robbery

We don't want to condone crime, but it doesn't exactly affect poor people.

3. Start a meth lab

Walter White did it, and that ended well.

4. Prostitution

It's called the world's oldest profession for a reason.

5. Begging

 All you need is a styrofoam cup and a friendly face.

6. Sue someone

Maybe you didn't know there were peanuts in your quorn burger?

7. Inherit

A relative's death is always sad, but it can have a happy ending.

8. Gambling

Sell your house, your car and your dog and put it all on red. (Or black, but we don't recommend it).

9. Become a reality TV star

Get a camera, start documenting your boring life and sell it to a TV network.

10.  Gold digging

When panning for gold starts to yield nothing, it's time to tap into that other source: rich old grannies and geezers.

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